Digital PR Statistics
The top Google result has an average of 3.8x more backlinks than the 2nd-10th places (Backlinko)
92.3% of the 100 top-ranking domains have at least one backlink (Semrush)
There’s a positive correlation between the number of websites linking to a page and its ranking position & search traffic (Ahrefs)
46.5% of SEOs spend $5,000 – $10,000 on link building every month (uSERP)
77% of journalists don’t include links when they publish content (BuzzSumo)
Every month in the UK, there are 7130 Google searches that include the keyword ‘digital PR’ (Energy PR)
4158 posts included the term ‘digital PR’ on X (formerly Twitter) in 2023 (Energy PR)
Long-form content gets 77.2% more links than shorter content (Backlinko)
80% of SEOs think brand mentions influence organic search rankings (Aira)