

How to Create a Social Media Strategy That Works



Feb 07, 2023

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Social Media


Feb 07, 2023

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Social Media

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Understand your audience Audit your current performance Conduct competitor analysis Content: topics and format Defining objectives and measuring success

Social media is the channel that brands, PR teams, and marketers have been trying to understand and tame for years.

It seems like a no brainer – it’s technically ‘free’, right? – but perhaps it’s not delivering meaningful results for you. Perhaps it’s swallowing too much time. Perhaps it’s an afterthought.

We believe with social media you get out what you put in: and it all starts with the right strategy. So here, we outline a few questions to get you started…

Understand your audience

Who are they? What are they looking for when they’re on social media, and what mindset are they in? How do they show up and what kind of content do they engage with? Who else do they follow, and who is influencing them?

Audit your current performance

How are your social profiles currently performing? How much resource do you realistically have to dedicate to social media? What’s not working for you at the moment? How are you currently measuring success?

Conduct competitor analysis

Is anyone in your category getting it right, and if so, how? What are they doing well, or what are they doing that doesn’t seem to work quite so well? What are their engagement levels like? Are they posting regularly?

Content: topics and format

What topics seem to resonate best with your audience, and are they interested in anything that you are best placed to provide? What kind of post would make them bookmark a post of yours? What kind of content formats work best on each platform, and do you have the resource to create such content?

Defining objectives and measuring success

What exactly is it that you’re trying to achieve with your social media profiles? Are they a shop window, a case studies showcase, an employee engagement and attraction tool, a customer retention tool… or something else? This will inform the metrics you need to use to measure success – some may be within social media, like engagement rate, some may be outside of social media, like speculative job applications.

These insights are invaluable to creating or resetting the social media strategy of your business. They’ll help you identify the most effective way to allocate your resources and measure the contribution to your business objectives. This is also the kind of project we love to get stuck into at Energy. We’ll do all this ‘heavy lifting’ and then train and support you people to implement the new strategy. So that all the new insight gets translated into action in your business.

So, if you think the above sounds wonderful, but don’t have the time to dedicate to it, get in touch to discuss how we can help. Email

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