The Challenge
After a successful Buyer’s Timeline campaign for Origin, the challenge was to keep up the momentum and reaffirm it as the brand that understands what homeowners really want. By capitalising on the familiar concept of the forever home, Origin was able to engage with its consumer audience, identify their requirements, and educate its network of partners in the process.
How We Helped
We developed a campaign that looked at whether the concept of the forever home still exists. Based around a piece of research, surveying 2,000 homeowners, we took a deeper look at whether Brits still believe in finding their forever home, the aspirations we have for our final home and what it might look like. In total, respondents answered 33 questions, all designed to give us a greater insight into what people want and expect from their homes.
Analysis of the results showed more than three quarters of people still believe in the concept of a forever home, which is a four-bedroom, detached house in the country, worth £458,000. We generated a strong and insightful media story from the results, which we sold into the national, regional, trade and consumer press. A series of images depicting a cross-section of the forever home to support the news story brought the findings to life.