
Case Study

Working with the UK’s Biggest ‘Kidfluencers’ to Launch a New Range of Toys


Home Sector


  • 243,000

    views on YouTube

  • 9,900

    hours of watch time

  • 27,456

    blog views

  • 8,866

    social media engagements

  • 474

    competition entries

The Challenge

Mookie Toys, the UK distributor of Lazer MAD, needed to promote the launch of the new range of blasters and raise brand awareness amongst its target audience of families with children aged five and over, establishing the brand as the must-have lazer range. It was important that the activity demonstrated the products’ USPs to ensure they stood out in a crowded marketplace. These included a wireless target for unrestricted play, realistic reload, multi-play and solo training modes, and the option to customise each blaster with accessories to increase the blasting range and change the sound effects.

How We Helped

Energy PR devised an influencer event to promote the launch of the range to Lazer MAD’s target audience of ‘dads and lads’ and secure brand endorsements from key UK influencers. We worked to curate an invite list including the UK’s biggest male ‘kidfluencers’ (macro-influencers), including Tekkerz Kid and Boris Bone, along with a selection of dad bloggers (micro-influencers) who were invited to a money-can’t-buy event.

An underground nuclear bunker just outside of Central London was selected as an ideal location for the event, bringing the product to life and emphasising the diversity of the range for both the attendees and their followers watching the content online after the event. The once-in-a-lifetime nature of the activity also incentivised the influencers to attend the event, which took place on a Saturday during the summer.

Working with WhizzFit, which creates and runs active parties and days out for both children and adults, we devised a series of games designed to demonstrate the gameplay potential and USPs of the products. The activities capitalised on the popularity of games like Fortnite as well as tapping into the appetite for ‘challenge’ videos on YouTube by pitting the two biggest vloggers against each other in a head-to-head battle.

All influencers were provided with action cameras to film the gameplay and encouraged to vlog and blog about their experiences at the event, creating a host of product endorsements and gameplay video content which went live the week of product launch, helping to drive traffic to retail and raise brand awareness during this key period.

In addition to this activity, each influencer was tasked with conducting a full review or unboxing video of the product on their channels, further emphasising the product’s key USPs and creating additional content.

To maximise on the retail opportunity and nurture the relationship with one of Mookie’s key retailers, Tekkerz Kid’s unboxing video was filmed at a Smyths store close to the location of the event. A link to the Lazer MAD page on the Smyths website was included in all the macro-influencers’ unboxing videos in order to drive traffic to retail.

The Outcome

The three macro-influencers produced one YouTube video each which achieved a total of 243,000 views, amounting to 9,900 hours of watch time. Every video contained a link to a retailer to encourage purchase. The three macro-influencers’ Instagram posts also performed well, receiving over 6,500 engagements.

The five micro-influencers, who used their blogs as their primary platform, produced one post each. These were successful in receiving a total of 27,456 online views. The micro-influencers also produced 29 social media posts, which received over 2,300 engagements.

Two of the bloggers also ran competitions to further support their Lazer MAD activity and drive traffic to their reviews. These competitions received 474 entries.

The influencer marketing campaign for Lazer MAD promoted the launch of the new range to a vast audience online – reaching almost two million people across multiple channels.

Find out more about our influencer relations expertise.

  • 243,000

    views on YouTube

  • 9,900

    hours of watch time

  • 27,456

    blog views

  • 8,866

    social media engagements

  • 474

    competition entries


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